
Articles about WordPress, rants about working in the creative realm, business stuff and other (potentially) interesting posts about who-knows-what.


Keep it simple, stupid.

Overthinking the design of a website takes the focus away from the sites content. It’s the content that converts, not the fact that you changed the blue to a slightly deeper hue.

wordpress theme version changes

Watch out for developers that change your Theme’s version number.

WordPress theme version numbers and why some (idiot) developers change this.


One of my favourite things: fake staff photos on web agency websites.

So you are looking at a new WordPress agency; their team profile images look like something from Shutterstock, could they be fake profiles?


Copy should be your primary focus for your website: the reasons why.

Write your website copy first and you’ll end up with a better website.

Bespoke vs Page Builder in WordPress

What are WordPress page builders, are they any good, and should you use them for your website?

Are page builders right for your website? Probably not and here are the reasons why.

Have you considered AI-generated images for your website?

AI can generate some truly unique images for your WordPress website. Get started with AI image generation!

Doing your Due Diligence

Do your due diligence when commissioning a creative agency.

How do you know what I am telling you is remotely true? You check it. And not just those online reviews from my friends… (not really).

What is design

What is design?

The dark art of design. Does anyone really know what it is? It starts as nothing but then can become everything. How does that work?

WordPress SEO plugin

Building a WordPress SEO plugin.

Yoast et al are all great plugins, so with the help of some other clever people, we designed and build a new WordPress SEO plugin.

WordPress expert

Working for free, or being asked to work for free, is bullshit; with some exceptions.

Ever been asked to work for free? Tell them where to do and go off and do something less boring instead.

domains and DNS

Reasons why you need to control your domain and DNS.

It may seem obvious, but it is crucial to ensure you control your domain name and DNS.

How to SEO your WordPress site

How to SEO your WordPress site.

The basics of WordPress SEO and how to implement it on your own website.

Do you need a designer for your website

Do you really still need a designer for your website?

Do you need a designer anymore, let alone a creative? I think you probably do, and someone qualified.

WordPress budgets

How to work out what a WordPress site should cost

How much should a budget be for a WordPress site?

How much does a website cost

How much does a WordPress website cost in the UK?

Charges for planning, designing and building WordPress sites varies wildly – here we look at the options.

Mark up updates to your site

Reasons why I use Pastel for website markup.

Pastel is an intuitive tool for marking up websites with comments and tweaks. See how it saves you, and your clients, time and money when feeding back on WordPress projects.

Dave Foreman

What does a genuinely bespoke WordPress site really entail?

You’ve probably heard about bespoke WordPress sites, but what are they?

Optimising your website using SEM Rush

SEM Rush is a powerful tool to help you optimise your website, here we look at the basics of using it.

Local Banbury web developer

Web designers Banbury

Clearly one of the more highly contested terms for search engine optimisation in the Banbury area – there are over 100 monthly searches for the term web designers Banbury according to the range of tools I use to analyse this sort of stuff.

Dave Foreman

And so to the first post

There’s always a first, and this is it. This is also something called the excerpt. On many WordPress sites, you will simply see this as a truncated version of the post. I much prefer to write custom excerpts for posts – it’s like you care about it a little more. Not sure Google cares, but you never know.
