
Have you considered AI-generated images for your website?

AI can generate some truly unique images for your WordPress website. Get started with AI image generation!

Dave Foreman

And so to the first post

There’s always a first, and this is it. This is also something called the excerpt. On many WordPress sites, you will simply see this as a truncated version of the post. I much prefer to write custom excerpts for posts – it’s like you care about it a little more. Not sure Google cares, but you never know.

As a WordPress designer and developer, I have an opinion on pretty much everything.
These posts are just my own thoughts and opinions on a wide range of stuff – from artwork to web design.
I’ve been involved in the creative industries since the early ’90s. From an art student at the once-amazing Oxfordshire School of Art to running a creative business for over 20 years.
It’s been an interesting ride.
Since co-founding Toast in 1997, I’ve worked with so many different types of business on such a wide range of projects that it’s impossible to list them all (or rather remember them).
I’ve worked across every type of print project, from high-level Branding campaigns to artworking Z-Cards.
I started building websites in 1998, firstly using WYSIWYG builders, then onto hand-built sites in Dreamweaver (et al).
A brief stint planning and building bespoke content management systems led me to find WordPress (if you’ve ever worked on a bespoke-build CMS you’ll know why).
When I first started to use it, people would tell me that WordPress was ‘just’ a blogging platform and not good for anything else.
How wrong they were.
Over a decade later and I am a WordPress expert, having built 100s of sites.
This section of the blog shares some of my insights and discoveries. I currently look after over 150 websites for large and small clients, so every day I deal with issues, fixes and advise on content and best practice.
If you have a website and think it should be better, get in touch – I will happily have a quick look at it for you.
